
Pagoda Asia was founded in 2004 and is considered a consulting organization for the dental and medical fields. Pagoda Asia works closely with numerous dental and medical manufacturers , builds sales networks and services customers on behalf of clients. In addition to the above, Pagoda Asia also arranges all types of seminars, training sessions and lectures on behalf of its customers. Product sourcing and information gathering are additional services offered.
Special attention is also given to connections with industry-related opinion leaders as well as with dental and medical institutions. The main area of activity is the Asian/Pacific region, including Australia, New Zealand and South Africa.

ข้อมูลการติดต่อ :

  • 90/717 หมู่บ้านมัณฑนาธนบุรีรมย์ บางครุ
    อำเภอพระประแดง จังหวัดสมุทรปราการ 10130
  • โทร. 0959242454

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